In the generator circuit diagram, you can see a resistor symbol in front of each diode or zener diode. Please explain the role of this resistor and why the resistor is in front of the diode!
As you can see from the picture above, the field current of the generator can flow only when TR1 is turned on.
Normally, TR1 is turned on by R3. (TR2 is off)
Then, the field current flows from the battery through D1 and R1.
Here, R1 plays a role of controlling the field current.
However, if the voltage of the battery (generator) becomes too high, the Zener
As the diode is conducted, current is supplied to the base of TR2 and TR2 is turned on.
When TR2 is turned on, the base current of TR1 supplied through R3 is bypassed through TR2.
Therefore, TR1 will be turned off. (At this time, R3 controls the base current of TR1.)
In this way, the Zener Dynode monitors the battery (generator) terminal voltage and monitors the field current.
By turning On/Off, the voltage of the generator can be adjusted.