Just looking at the battery, the capacity has increased. 4.0Ah means that you can use 1 hour with a discharge current of 4A, and 2.6Ah means that you can use one hour with a discharge current of 2.6A.
Since the power part is a circuit part, it is irrelevant to the battery specification, but for a circuit where the maximum current flows up to 4A, it is for 2.6Ah.
You should check the torque of the product to see if it is strong or not.
If it's the same product and the battery capacity is high, it has a longer operating time and almost the same power.
Of course, in theory, a product with a higher battery capacity can produce a little higher current, so if the main body is the same, a higher battery capacity is a little stronger, but there is little difference.
Answer B
Just looking at the battery, the capacity has increased. 4.0Ah means that you can use 1 hour with a discharge current of 4A, and 2.6Ah means that you can use one hour with a discharge current of 2.6A.
Since the power part is a circuit part, it is irrelevant to the battery specification, but for a circuit where the maximum current flows up to 4A, it is for 2.6Ah.
The battery may feel weak.
Answer A
You should check the torque of the product to see if it is strong or not.
If it's the same product and the battery capacity is high, it has a longer operating time and almost the same power.
Of course, in theory, a product with a higher battery capacity can produce a little higher current, so if the main body is the same, a higher battery capacity is a little stronger, but there is little difference.